Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nature V.S. Nurture

Nature or Nurture. Whats right and whats wrong. It is the way one looks at this debate. How one thinks society is setup, is completely their opinion. When I look at the debate,  I would say everything comes to both nature and nurture.  The way one is raised, and the values they obtain from soaking in while the observe their parents, peers, and their community. We live in a world where things, such as things that happen in the world, the news affect how we look at things, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they will react according to the world or to how everyone else they are around reacts. They can have a different nature, where they react and respond to problems differently.

Now, in the 3 minute lecture, they used an example of the equality of women and men. People can say that it us nature that man are dominant, or people can conclude that it is how they are raised and placed in society, but in my point of view it is both. Just because in some societies, they believe that women are naturally supposed to stay at homes and do chores, while men are more dominant, doesn't mean that peoples views can't change. People will see that because society is like that, their views don't have to match. This is what causes changes in societies, and people to think more proactive about issues.

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