Saturday, February 26, 2011

Social Class in the US: How much do you think it matters?

Today's world here is the U.S. is all about diversity. People from many different background and ethnicities reside in the U.S. and call it home. The use the open opportunity to seek freedom from oppression from government and societies that affect and cause one to never succeed. But, when we look at out society closely, we can see that we, here in the U.S. have our own class system. Money and income divides everything. People, make groups and look down upon people in the classes below them.

Even though, it is not implied by rules and laws, society still has the social classes which cause people to think differently of people just because of how they are from the way the look, to the things they buy, and to the cars we drive. Their are many things one will look at to differentiate someone and to place barriers between one another. Many things that we look at today are influenced by social classes, once again, which are not implies.

I got the chance to watch a few clips of PBS:People Like Us, and I noticed that in one of the clips, they were telling about how products and restaurants where made just for the upper class, for those who can afford to spend so much. Economically, their are many things that have been differentiated between classes. This has helped the economy progress, because it tends to be that upper class as seen in the PBS:People Like Us documentary don't have the want or the likeness of work and associating with people that are below their class. It is not that fact that they need their special places to eat and dine, or to shop, but the necessity that people with money will buy more and create jobs and allow for people to have employment and for money to move and circulate in the economy. 

Social Class is a brutal issue. We need it, but yet it causes so many problems and diversities from what we call "One Nation." We don't need these classes to run our society, but they are in place for our economy, not because we don't want to associate with one another, their are a few snobs who won't associate and place themselves above all others. Social class only helps the economy to move, by providing luxuries people would buy or not buy depending on income. Transportation is a very big and important example, and a big market. Their are cars like Ferraris and Maybach's which only certain people would buy according to their income, this diversity helps our economy grow and move, otherwise our economy would move very slowly. These classes also provide for specialized jobs which also help our economy. Social class should have a boundary of just maintaining our economy to make sure it works smoothly.   

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to disagree with you on this issue. You said that classes are in place for our economy, but nobody instituted a class system in our present day society. I believe social classes are a result of past and current prejudices, individual work ethic, education attainment, the glass ceiling, and differences in wealth and income. Even if everybody was middle class the economy would still move and money would circulate. Just because people have less money, it doesn't mean they never buy anything. I also think that people do prefer to associate with others from their own social class. People within the same class live in similar communities, share leisure activities, and make comparable lifestyle choices. People within the same class see each other as "normal". I think more often than not, people prefer to stick with the people they're comfortable with, even though it excludes people from higher or lower classes.
