Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Shift Happens"

This final week in sociology, we looked at globalization. We watched a movie called "Shift Happens," which talked about how technology had been being advances into our lives, and the many differences and advancements it had brought that we wouldn't have possibly thought about, even in our wildest imaginations. Technology and new issues that happen worldwide allow for more opportunities to be brought to the people which were never offered before, neither thought about. As societies and the world advances, to keep ahead and to stay strong and motivated, our school systems should be more diverse in the subjects that are brought forward for students to take.  International learning and education about different cultures allows students to be more aware of who the real world is and as well, helps students/ people to be more understanding that people live in many ways and forms which must be respected by all. Changes in information processing has been changing very rapidly. Technologies are widely spread out for more users to be able to take the advancement of technology at low prices. We have the capabilities to advance and for more people to stay in touch, which in the end helps the world become unified, not in the means that everyone thinks the same, but everyone understands. Culture has helped me understand the movie a lot. In the book, they discuss who in different countries, such as the middle east, "western barbie dolls" are not allowed, and they have their own barbie which allows kids to have their childhood fun, while still respecting the religion or way of life. Technology allows entrepreneurs to better understand the world and prevent from problems to happen and a market to be produced where everyone is involved and everyone can get their benefits, needs, and wants.

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