Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why We Should Care About Global Inequality

The United States being a world power and a country with great wealth. We should care about global inequality because it affects us as well. A county generates its wealth by exporting. You always want to export more than you import. If the economy in other countries is good as well, then they will be able to buy our goods and help the global economy to increase and to better itself from hardships such as recessions and depressions. Countries who do not have the stability as we do can use help to find what they are good at manufacturing and help them industrialize.

Their are countries where people have the ability to do very well. They have resources to do really well, but they lack the ability to do well because they are unorganized. The United States should help jump these  potential economies for betterment and work to help them strive. We all can benefit from helping those countries. We can provide them with tools, education, knowledge and leadership. We can help to make stronger governments which in return help the people to better and produce more to raise and country's GNP.

A county such as the United States has the ability to help those who need it to support themselves and get on their own feet and have their nation's people strive and be successful. The global economy relies that all who seek to trade and do business, work with other countries to set up good communication which allows them to work better and see where one could need help. United Sates may still be in debit, but we still are working and are more successful than other countries, and helping other countries can help us export more to them, and in the long run get out of debt.

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