Sunday, March 27, 2011

Internment of Japanese Americans

This week in class we had to read about a Japanese family who was sent to camps because of their ethnicity. Their were generations who were well established in America and were sent to camps and were mistreated because of their beliefs and their thoughts, and more importantly because of their looks. The family had not committed any crime but were sent to these camps because they were suspected of plotting to bring terror to the United States after the attack on Pearl Harbor. This kind of treatment and segregation because of the way one looks was completely wrong by United State's part. I understand that when as a nation we are at war, their maybe this suspicion looking at one's neighbor and wondering if they think wrong and would harm this nation. People have to see how bad that it. I am a Sikh. My religion says that I should keep a identity without cutting my hair and wearing a turban. After the attacks on the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon, a lot of people thought of me as a muslim extremist. Just because of my identity, people looked at me wrong and people I considered friends, ended up judging me. I was in 5th grade when it happened, and I remember how we got news of what happened, and after they found out who was behind it all, people judged me along with many other Sikhs just because of our identity, and because they just couldn't take it, they would cut their hair and try to loose and disconnect themselves with their roots and religion. Sikhism is a worldwide religion and not restricted to one place. I never knew why people didn't know the difference, between us and them. Our beliefs were different and how we lived was a beyond different. I understand how they might have felt. With such discrimination, they had to go to camps and face segregation from the rest of the world and some had to stay away from their families. It just hurts that such a strong nation still has these problems, but they are getting better and people are being smarter to learn of one another and not be arrogant, or seeming arrogant because the lack of knowledge.

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