Sunday, April 3, 2011

Religion and Government

In my opinion, religion has no role in government. If we look at the United States as an example, having one religion and the concepts of that religion run the aspects of a muti-cultural and multi-religion nation, then it wouldn't relate to many lives and just wouldn't be efficient.  Life wouldn't be the same if religion had a role in government. People wouldn't feel that they have an equal right knowing that the land of the free has a religion that has an influence on government. The people wouldn't have a sense of security knowing that the government will help them and not favor a particular religion over another. Religion is based on beliefs, and not all religions have beliefs that correlate with one another. Government is supposed to be free of beliefs of a particular group or religion, and should just be the voice of the people and what helps keep peace, and not something that bring's its citizens, its people pain and insecurity.

We can also look at other nations, whose government is already intervened with religion, and we see the outcomes of those nations. More insecurities and more chances of people going against their religion because of certain beliefs. Government isn't meant to have religion influences, but it should maintain a tolerance and assist people to better follow their religion knowing that the government will never have anything to do with their beliefs and won't try to change them. 

Government has evolved over time. We can see from the colonizations of the states, that people fled from the government because of religion based persecutions such as the one caused by the notorious Queen Marry or better known as "Bloody Merry." Government can start with a small amounts of influence and role of government, but it would start growing and growing, cause religion is beliefs that help live and put lives on a better more focused path towards their enlightenment, and a way of life could just become the dominant religion and cause insecurities and indifferences for the people of that nation. 

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