Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Domestic Division of Labor

Growing up and seeing how my family and I have evolved from chores and responsibilities over the years, shows how the "division of labor" in a family changes over times and need. I filled out the chart, and also saw how some of the descriptions shown didn't correspond to our family now, but back in the day, my parents would have to do those things. Many of things get changed in my family, everyone has responsibilities from who does what and what is expected from each family member, but if one can't put in their part, someone else will always come in and help out. 

When I was filling out a Family Duties table, I saw that many of the duties/responsibilities had more than one person assigned to them, because in our family their has never been chores or responsibilities assigned, we all knew that these had to be taken care of and we did, but that doesn't mean we just did what ever we wanted to do, we would tell everyone in the house and tell them that we were going to do and ask if someone else was going to do it and if we needed help too. Communication in our family is essential, along with every family. I have seen this countless times, when communication sucks, problems occur. So we cherish being able to talk and discuss matter and situations. 

I do agree, some of the things in families are left to certain people. For example, cooking, my dad is horrible at cooking (just in case he reads this, no offense pops). My mom always cooks, and everyone loves it. In a good family, one task isn't left for one person to do. We all work on it together as a team and not as captains of project managers. A family is supposed to run as one, and never as individuals. Helping my sister and I, our parents always worked together to help us with homework. My dad was good at math so he helped us with that, and my mom was very good and helpful when working punctuation and grammar, so she helped a lot with that. We would work in such a way that we were efficient with time. We got our family time by working on math problems and having a laugh at how I would make 5-3= 1. Being time efficient is something every family needs to be. Managing time for each and every individual and making sure the bonds in families are very important, even if it means only spending a few minutes, well its better than nothing.

With my family, I have learn't a lot abotu how duties are supposed to be given out and how a family is supposed to behave and cooperate. Helping one another with a duty and responibility is what makes families strong and close. I know some will argue that you don't become independent, but hey, your supposed to dependent on your loved ones and family.

1 comment:

  1. Angdhdev:
    Yes, beyond just dividing up the chores, there is the necessity of people having to "cover" for one another. That cooperation is what makes it all work. Good job. Richard Bobys
